10 Ways to Repurpose Content and Grow Your Brand

As bloggers, we pour so much of our time and effort into producing high-quality content for our blogs. We spend valuable time picking out the perfect topic and coming up with content to keep our blogs click-worthy, fresh, and unique. More effort goes into publishing and promoting the blog posts on social media, in emails, and in various other places.

If you know the disheartening feeling of watching your content lifespan expire and want to do something to revive it, then repurposing is a solution you should consider.

Repurposing is not half-heartedly copying or pasting old content, it’s more about breathing new life into your old content using a variety of tactics, some of which we take a look at below.

So read on to uncover the magic of repurposing content, and how you can use old content to reach new audiences.  

What Is Content Repurposing?


Once you have published content, that doesn’t have to be the final way in which your readers view it. 

You may feel that your content is so valuable that you want users to continue engaging with it, even after some time has passed. Content repurposing is one of the many other content marketing hacks to keep the audience engaged.

Repurposing content is giving your content a new face and giving it another chance to be seen and reach new audiences

Often we can refer to repurposing as “content recycling” because you reuse existing content to expand its reach. 

Your repurposed content typically takes on a new transformed format.  

Repurposing your content increases the amount of content you publish, allowing you to connect more with your customers. 

Why Should You Repurpose Your Content?

It is often said that audiences need to hear your message on average seven times before sinking in. 

Producing fresh content for every post takes valuable time, whereas repurposing, you simply pull up content from old blogs and give it a face-lift, saving you time.

It also helps with your company’s SEO and online visibility, because we know that blogging companies see 55% more traffic on their sites than companies that don’t publish blogs.

98% of content online has zero backlinks, but repurposing content into more digestible formats is a proven way to stand out and become the 2% of online content that actually gets attention.


Choosing the Best Content to Recycle

When you are looking for content to repurpose, your best option is to select evergreen topics.

Some content you produce is time-based, like news articles, or it’s relevant for just a season.

Whereas, evergreen content stays relevant and fresh, capturing the genuine interest of users regardless of seasons.

This type of content is regarded as sustainable and lasting while continuing to bring organic traffic.

Repurposing evergreen content saves you tons of time because it requires very little updating.

Out-of-date content doesn’t get ranked well by Google, but evergreen content is of high-quality, leading to being ranked highly in search engines over time.

The beauty of this is that it doesn’t even matter what business model your brand is focused on.  

Whether it be a blog, a YouTube channel focused on retail arbitrage, an affiliate focused website, or even a successful ecommerce business, recycling evergreen content is something that can be done over and over again across various channels successfully.  

Workspace Builders

How to Repurpose Content Effectively

Now that you have repurposed your content, you have to remember to publish it on a recurring schedule, oh the work never ends.

Luckily there are tools created to help automate schedules for posting and publishing.  

Having published content at different times and formats reveals a lot about who your readers are, what they like most, and where they are reading it from.

Automation tools have reformed how marketers diffuse content, automating task management, and calendar scheduling.

Images, metadata, and content are examples of elements that can be synchronized into a schedule.

No matter what your aim is for sending out content, marketers are looking for the most efficient solutions, and below is a list of some options to choose from.

Hootsuite is a favorite among beginners allowing you to monitor content across many media platforms and giving you weekly analytic reports. But you can also try out other Hootsuite alternatives available in the market with similar features.

You could also look into Buffer, MeetEdgar, Contentstudio, Temi, and Airstory as these appear to be famous tools used by many bloggers.

10 Ways to Repurpose Content

All good content shouldn’t be left to gather virtual dust, it deserves to be repurposed and there are many fantastic ways to do this effectively.

Now, you may be asking yourself how you go about repurposing your content. Well, we will discuss effective methods below. 

Your first step would be to make sure you have found content that is ripe for repurposing, then consider exploring these methods:

1. Turn Blog Posts Into Videos or Vice Versa

In recent studies, we are told that video content gets higher engagement and that 72% of users actually prefer video marketing.

Other statistics show that video blogs grow revenue by an amazing 49% compared with marketers who don’t own video blogs.

Keep in mind a few pointers when you transform to video blogs:

  • Keep it short, preferably below 2 minutes, longer videos lose attention.
  • Highlight the main points.
  • Captivating ending with call-to-action.

You can use videos embedded in your blog posts, bundled together into a course, in marketing emails or as an email signature, shared in your social media platforms, and through a YouTube channel.

A few highly recommended video editing platforms are Lumen5 which has a free version and is user-friendly, Adobe Express Video which is much like Lumen5, allows you to use templates, saving you time.

2. Use Highlights From Blog Posts or Videos to Create Social Posts

Social media plays an important role in marketing, such platforms are Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Blog posts on these platforms can make great ‘microblogs’ which are easy to digest, especially adding images and visuals to the post, so make this a priority.

Extract information such as actionable advice like to-do lists, research-backed data, and statistics, and interesting tidbits. 

On a side note, and I know this because I recently dealt with it while trying to repurpose old content, if you have old blog posts you wrote that are now gone you can use Clever Files to extract “lost” information from your Mac.

Don’t forget to use automation tools to stay on top of your publishing schedule.  I recently made a more focused effort to do this with my professional network and found this list of LinkedIn automation tools very helpful in determining my tool of choice.  

3. Turn Valuable Content Into Emails

Promotional emails have been known to increase ROI by a whopping 4,400%, grab that opportunity.

You can make use of a drip campaign which is basically a series of emails automatically delivered to users over several days after signup.

Capture straight-to-the-point content in your emails like tips and tricks as these are more useful to your users and will go further in marketing campaigns. 

4. Use Blog Content for Guest Posts

Guest blogging has gained popularity for the benefits it offers to bloggers.

Some advantages are that you can use backlinks which increases your brand exposure.

Start by identifying content that can stand on its own as a guest blog, search for high-quality sites that accept guest blogging, pitch your blog, and make sure you have a lot of backlinks to your sites.

Most bloggers will happily publish your niche content as a guest blogger on their site if your content is unique and exposes different perspectives.

Also, make sure your message is conveyed perfectly using the right tools to check grammar.

Most bloggers have a specific niche and will have tonnes of articles on such topics.

Why not compile these matching blog posts and repurpose them into an eBook?

EBooks can easily be offered as a free content upgrade or as a reward for subscribing to your site. It’s simple – just add a pop-up or use a chatbot that engages your website’s visitors and encourages them to trade their email address for this content.

6. Create Infographics From Blog or Video Content

I have seen an upward trend of users engaging better with visual content.  You can repurpose your blog to show more images such as infographic material.

Most charts and graphs make content easier to read and digest when compared to written.

7. Repurpose Interviews Into an eBook or Blog Content

If you often conduct surveys or answer questions on platforms like Quora, then you could use this as resources for a blog.

Combine all the information gathered in an interview and compile an informative blog or even convert it into an eBook.

By repurposing interviews, you’ll not only be able to increase traffic to your site, but you’ll inevitably be able to make more money blogging if you’re creative with your strategy.    

8. Put Visual Content on Pinterest

Pinterest is a media platform that allows you to post visual content.

If your content is particularly visual then you should definitely consider creating boards here.

For example, if you repurpose your written blog content into infographics then you could have a specific board for this statistical imagery. 

Generally speaking, especially in the United States, Pinterest is a platform that’s mainly comprised of a female audience. That said, if you want to have as much success as possible on this platform, make sure your content is female friendly.  

As an example, if you’ve started a lifestyle blog, it’s very likely that repurposing content on Pinterest will do well.  But, if you have a blog focused on football, which is mainly geared towards males, it may not be as successful.  

9.Update Old Blog Posts

As you go through your blog posts, make notes of posts that you could update and repost.

Some blogs may be highly relevant when published, and effective during that season but now are outdated.

By simply changing a few elements in your blog, the dusty gem is polished and attractive again and ready for new traffic.

10. Turn Webinars Into Blog Posts, Videos, and SlideShares

A webinar is typically a scheduled live event.

You can make use of webinar tools like Webinarjam and Demio to set up and record these sessions.

Short video clips can be made from webinar highlights, you could also use the slides from the webinar to create a blog.

With the help of SlideShare, you are enabled with a tool to share slides that you would’ve created using Powerpoint, Keynote, or other presentation builders.


As a blogger, we put in so much effort and time into creating valuable content, but the work doesn’t end there.

Having captivating content should not die down after being published when it can be repurposed so that it can continue to attract new audiences over time.

There are many fantastic ways in which you can easily repurpose content without it losing its value, it can gain value if presented in a different format.

Wouldn’t you want to see how far your reach will spread if you repurpose one blog? Let me know below how it worked out for you.

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